Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Thought This Was America People

There's been so many things going on in this country lately that just blows my mind. I can't seem to focus enough attention on one thing before something else pops up and bothers the hell out of me. Where are we at and where are we heading as a nation? I don't think I've ever questioned myself about the future status of the United States as I do now. Not after September 11th, not after Hurricane Katrina, but after all the nonsense that's been in the news lately.

Let's start with the Jena-6 situation. What is this, 1852? More evidence that many parts of the South is still showing hate and blatant racism towards black people. If you don't know the story here's a quick briefing. Basically some high school kids got in a fight over sitting under a tree. Yes, a tree! Some black students asked their high school administration if it was okay to sit under it since that's where all the white kids would always hang out. When they tried to all hell broke loose and white students started to fight with the black students. The end result was the white kids in the fight either got off with a slap on the wrist or no punishment at all. Meanwhile, the black students were charged with severe crimes including attempted murder. Attempted murder for using a shoe in the fight. It is truly unbelievable. For more on the story click here.

Now some stories about free speech. In Florida during a town hall meeting with Senator John Kerry, an overzealous UF student started to ask some pretty tough questions that he wanted the Senator to answer. After asking if he was in the same "Skull & Bones" secret society with President George Bush, they cut his mic and police started escorting him out of the building. After asking what he did wrong and not wanting to leave, the cops eventually took him to the ground where they proceeded to taser him. For what? He was obnoxious and unorthodox in the way he presented himself, but when did it become a crime to voice your opinion in this country? To me this seems like something out of a dictatorship. The government wants to shut you up so you can never be heard. This isn't America to me. This definitely is not freedom! And to hear this dude scream is brutal.

Here's a few videos of the student getting tasered.

Kathy Griffin and Sally Field were censored for speaking their minds while accepting their Emmy's. Free speech? That's a crazy idea that will never work.

Speaking of speech, let's talk about Isiah Thomas. The former NBA basketball star for the Detroit Pistons and current New York Knicks coach is being sued for sexual harassment by a former female employee. One of her arguments in the lawsuit was the way Thomas would describe her as a "bitch" to both her and Knicks employees. In a deposition given by Thomas he had stated that when a black man calls a black woman a bitch it's not as serious as when a white man calls a black woman a bitch. He stated that it is actually more offensive for a white man to call a black woman a bitch than if a black man did. To me this is totally not a race issue, but a sexist issue. Females should be referred to as women or ladies, not bitches no matter what color they are. It's offensive either way. I wonder what Thomas would have said if it were the other way around. Would it be more offensive for a black man to call a white woman a bitch than for a white man to do so? My answer is the same, no! Bottom line, don't refer to women as bitches or any other derogatory words. Women are queens and deserve to be respected by males of all color.

Donovan McNabb, quarterback of the Philadelphia Eagles, says that black quarterbacks are more scrutinized than white quarterbacks. Given the city he plays in (Philadelphia once booed Santa Clause) it's probably more the media there than anything. Then again, when you read stories like Jena-6, it makes you think twice about it.

Nebraska Senator Ernie Chambers is suing God. Need I say more?

O.J. Simpson is in the news again. While vigilantly searching for the "real killer" he got arrested in Las Vegas and is charged with 11 counts of armed robbery and is now facing life in jail. Only 12 years too late!

The U.S. Congress decided not to give extended leave to returning soldiers from Iraq. Way to honor those that are defending mine and your asses. Thanks congress!

Osama Bin Laden put out another video today. Can somebody please get rid of this guy? We can read license plate numbers from space, but yet we don't know where this guy is? Bullshit!

And the worst of all, Chris Crocker is getting a t.v. production deal. You know this guy. He's the "leave Britney alone" clown.

For those who haven't seen this 3rd grade dropout.

God help us all...or kill me now!!!

Thanks For Listening!

1 comment:

Sterling said...

Dude...I am with ya! "Greatest country in the world"...hmmm
Luvs~ Ster

And send me those pics!!! Now, thanks! :)