Friday, August 17, 2007


So just when I thought everyone had moved on from the Don Imus fiasco, I turn on my t.v. Tuesday to see that he is now getting sued. Kia Vaughn, a center on the Rutgers women's basketball team, is suing him for describing the Rutgers players as "nappy-headed hoes" on April 4th and claiming his comments damaged her character and reputation.

Her lawsuit claims slander and defamation of character in state Supreme Court in the Bronx. Coincidentally she filed the suit on the same day Imus settled with CBS Radio in a deal that pre-empts his $120 million breach-of-contract lawsuit against CBS. Imus reportedly received $20 million in the settlement. Basically Imus got fired for doing and saying the things he was hired to do.

Vaughn's lawyer, Richard Ancowitz, said

"This is about Kia Vaughn's good name. She would do anything to return to her life as a student and respected basketball player; a more simple life before Imus opened his mouth on April 4."

Vaughn also went on Oprah in April to discuss the outrage at his comments and was saddened because it overshadowed the success of the Rutgers basketball team who had made it to the women's Final Four.

So, let me get this straight. She's trying to return to a more simple life? She wants to return to her life as a student and respected basketball player? So why is she bringing her name into the spotlight with this lawsuit? If my memory serves me right, the Rutgers team and Imus had a sit down and accepted his apology. It couldn't be the money, could it? No, because her lawyer said it wasn't about the money. (there was no dollar amount noted in the lawsuit) I think we all know that when someone says it's not about the money, that it actually is.

Here's my question for Kia Vaughn. If you want to return to a life of normalcy, why are you suing? You want people to respect you. Well, people have that respect for you. We've had it since the way we watched you and your team carry yourself throughout that whole mess in April. Let me tell you though, if you carry on with this lawsuit you will lose that respect that you earned. If you were walking down the street nobody would even recognize you (outside of the Rutgers campus) and I'm sure when people hear the name Kia Vaughn, they don't associate you as being a "nappy-headed hoe."

Not anymore though, Kia. You have singled yourself out from your team. Because before this everyone knew you as part of the Rutgers women's basketball team. You have now singled yourself out and made this about you. Selfish. Now we all know your name as the sole person who is suing Don Imus. Your actions have taken everything good you did in April and thrown them out the window.

Now, don't get me wrong, what Don Imus said was disgraceful and disrespectful. At the same time he was getting paid to say the things he said. Don Imus is considered to be a radio "shock jock," what did people expect? Personally, I think Imus got caught up in a slow news week and was only brought down when the advertisers started pulling out. He has said a lot worse in his years in radio and although they weren't politically correct, his show was highly respected with presidential candidates announcing their candidacy on his show. So if you ask me Don Imus should not have been fired. Like I said before, that's what he was paid to do, right or wrong.

So the next time I hear a rap song generalizing about "bitches" and "hoes" should I sue that artist cause I feel he was talking about my mom, sisters and aunts? I mean after all they are generalizing and that would mean they are talking about every female, right? It might sound ridiculous to you, but that's what Vaughn is doing with her lawsuit. So good luck with your lawsuit Kia Vaughn. I can now associate you as a player on that team that Don Imus called "nappy-headed hoes."

Thanks For Listening

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